3 Sekunden Island
We are very proud to welcome Thomas Kaczerowski to our publishing roster. Thomas aka „3 Sekunden Island” just released his first single „Polarlicht“ via [PIAS].
February 22, 2018
Once a well-booked DJ, Thomas casually produced his own music under the name THOKA. Shortly after the release of his album a DJ with the same name appeared and forced Thomas to let the CD disappear , all due to the name issues.
What first sounds like a huge throwback, turned out to be a blessing at the end: Thomas recalled his apartement in Cologne got into his old VW-bus and travalled around for nearly one year overall. Main object of his travels was Iceland returning back over Scandinavia, all through Europe to Marocco. The journey and the huge amount of impressions also inspired Thomas music-wise, leading to a variety of songs of his very own style.
Here you can watch his terrific video for his first upcoming single „Polarlicht“, shot on Trollunga, one of Norway’s most spectacular rock formations:
„The song originated from my very first encounter with the polar lights. I was alone on Iceland just with my tent as I saw these fascinating lights for the first time.“, Thomas states and explains how it came to the video shoot in Norway: „I love the North, but had been visiting just Iceland so far and wanted to get to know Norway for a long time. The video clip and the song were a good opportunity. ‘Trolltunga‘, one of the most spectacular rock formations in Norway should become the highlight of the video. Weather-related it was uncertain if it is possible to climb the rock. Climb and descent were 2,800 meters in height and almost 30km – in the middle of deep winter. Another challenge for us was to find the right way in these snowy mountains.“
What came out are spectacular images of the rough and cliffy winter landscapes of Norway, supported by 3 Sekunden Island’s spheric and skillful reduced song-aesthetics enframed with the personal and at the same time universal German lyrics.
“Polarlicht” is available digitally since Februar 21. The debut album is expected to be released in August 2018.