SAFI - New Single

SAFI - New Single "Letzte Sekunde"

SAFI unveils her new single alongside mesmerizing music video.

January 11, 2024

Pupils twitching. Should I jump or not? You can't control the moment - or do you? The crossroads of a decision is compressed into the last second. Everyone knows this situation.

"Letzte Sekunde" is a mind game about freedom of the human will. Is everything in us pre-programmed? The themes of self-determination and equal opportunities  show up in a socially critical way ...

The track is an abstract collage of enumeration and interaction with a long arc of tension, which initially builds up in a calmly flowing manner and eventually tips over into harsh violence. It is the only track on the upcoming album that comes with classical drum cymbals (Jörg Wähner, Apparat / Shramm), which trigger the inferno in the finale.

“Letzte Sekunde” is like a flood carving its way. It sweeps everything in its way, frees itself, condensing into a living emotional mass. The song was recorded live and produced by Moses Schneider. The video was directed by Stephanie von Beauvais.

SAFI is post-punk, nowave, avant-garde. "Letzte Sekunde" is the moment when there is no turning back.

Her upcoming album "Groteske" is going to be released by fall 2024.

You can listen to the track here and watch the music video here.

We represent this song worldwide.

12.04.24   Germany, Erfurt, Museumskeller

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Letzte Sekunde


Release date
January 11, 2024

Rookie Records
